The course offers the opportunity to the participant to improve their knowledge in research, teaching and professional practices
The course includes ten 30-minute video lessons on ten distinct topics; Power Point presentations; several e-books, articles, video and website suggestion; and a face-to-face time with the Carmen de Mattos by video conference for 15 minutes whose link and platform will be in her website www.clgmattos.com. The ten topics offered include: 1. The dialectic between classical and modern research methodologies. 2. Modes of inquiry in contemporary research. 3. The analytical axis between knowledge and culture. 4. Research instruments: fieldwork 5. Research instruments: ethnographic interview + 6. Analysis processes: what counts as research data? 7. How to do fieldwork in dangerous locations? 8. Digital ethnography: challenges of the digital age. 9. How to do ethnography in times of pandemic. 10. Critical theory and the approach of students' voices.
Valor: R$ 600,00